Living life with drug addictions


Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Addictions come in all forms. Some are good and some are bad. If you really look at all addictions, I think you will find most are bad.

Let's talk about drug addictions a bit. Remember when you were 14 and you had that friend who smoked pot and you had to try and see what that was like. Did you like it? Were you hooked? What was next? Did another buddy have to smoke cigarettes? That first try and that head rush it gave was enough to keep you going back for more until the buzz was gone, but the addiction was there.

What about alcohol? Have you ever had to try that drink and find that the feeling is so good you need more the next day? Afterall, the worries are gone for awhile and life is so good when there is a good drunk on. Can you say no today or is it still something that dictates your day? Do you await that moment when you can have a sip, whether beer, whiskey, or wine each day?

Then you find pills are helpful in assisting that high as well. A couple pain pills or a couple nerve pills along with the alcohol, cigs, and pot. What more could you want? A good feel, pain free, no worries, and feeling like a king. Only for a period before the misery returns I might add.

We will skip the other things that can easily come along. The crank, crack, meth, coke, etc.... Those things that when added to all the downers which we discussed earlier will likely lead you to be with Elvis quickly.

Maybe you are addicted to stealing, gambling, or fishing as well. Some are not all bad.

The real issue here is when is it time to stop? No matter how many times that you look in the mirror and say "Well, today I will cease." Do you really know what addiction is and what can happen when you try and stop? You can make yourself very sick and you can die. When is it to late? How many times in your life can one say "I will stop on Monday, or atleast start cutting back."

Everyone needs to get off that train sooner or later. Hopefully we can all realize our issues before it is to late and that day arrives when you are either dead or it is just to late in life to get clean. The older you get and the more addicted you become, the harder it is to stop these things. A man can die from DT's if not careful. If you have drank everyday for a few years and you suddenly stop, you will likely have withdrawal affects. These are not a happy feeling anylonger and they, moreso than anything will lead you back into an addiction that you are trying to kick.

I am not sure why I write all of this, but in here is a message for someone and I hope that that person can realize before it is to late that the train ride has to end somewhere. Will it be at your convenience in the comfort of your home, in a detox center, or at a burial ceremony?

Life is really short and sometime we live our lives around addictions that dictate every move we make in our days.

I really hope many of us here can get away and learn to enjoy life, if only a short period, independent of abusive substances. I know many like to say, "Not me, I'll be fine", but someday, somewhere you will remember what I am saying and you will agree that there is a time coming when it is possibly to late for you.

Much of this starts as a trial experience and leads to lifetimes of misery.

All feedback is appreciated.

Good day & Good luck
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New member
Nov 10, 2004
i've seen many of addicts in my day,whether it's drugs,alcohol,gambling,no matter what the case,if u are addicted to something it's time to stop.nothing should ever get in the way of your health,friends,family.

nice write up


New member
Oct 20, 2002
i've seen many of addicts in my day,whether it's drugs,alcohol,gambling,no matter what the case,if u are addicted to something it's time to stop.nothing should ever get in the way of your health,friends,family.

this is a FIRST a warm post by TRUEVALUE

AGREE GENERAL GOOD POST very informative..


The Bonus Man King
Apr 21, 2000
good post. Im an oldtimer I guess. When it comes down to concertration on cards in the poker room or blackjack table you bet im probably going to be on some dope

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
i played a 10 player sit and go hold em on line last night and 5 of the people at the table were having a serious discussion about drugs. what they tried what they havent and what theyd like to

poker and drugs, theyre good friends.


The Bonus Man King
Apr 21, 2000
i played a 10 player sit and go hold em on line last night and 5 of the people at the table were having a serious discussion about drugs. what they tried what they havent and what theyd like to

poker and drugs, theyre good friends.

I agree, I have played in many 72 hour poker tournaments.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Seems as though you may need to slow down AK. Sleep is a good thing.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
General, I have tears rolling down my face after I read your post. I lost alot of friends over the years because of drugs and I am lucky I am still here today because about 5 different times I went to the hospital because of snorting coke. I was on rock bottom a few years ago here in Costa Rica. I guess I had to feel the bottom before I decided I had to do something about my drinking and drug addiction. I have been clean and sober for 1 year and 6 months. I go to AA meetings as often as I can. I know I can say today I wont have no alcohol or drugs. I will worry about tomorrow when it gets here. thats how I live my life now, 1 day at a time. I plan vacations ahead of time, but I dont worry about tomorrow till it gets here. I had to choose new friends and stay away from places where it would be tempting. people, places, and things can be very dangerous for a person that is trying to stay clean. I never go to the rubber room, I had started a post, and they moved it to the rubber room. I am glad they moved it now. general I really appreciate the post thanks again.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
All the best to you rainbow.

I live my life one day at a time also.

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